Long-term investment through silence sitting

Listening to the voice within

What´s impressive is how hard it is to take out time to listen to our voice within; how rewarding is doing it. Just sitting quietly in the midst of work or daily chores helps in finding peace.

With today’s fast-paced life, it is becoming harder to find time with nature & oneself. However, if we only did a little listening to our voice within every day, it would pay high dividends: a long-term investment on our physical & mental health, memory power, skin complexion, relaxed eyes, patience, equanimity, ability to make wiser decisions, self-confidence, self-discipline and especially in knowing ourselves.


Time Management for a world in distress

Undoubtedly, time is a precious resource. However, we are seldom not aware of its priceless value. Besides, the majority of the population is wasting it. Moreover, the absence of goals and pure intentions is directing society into worse calamities. Thus, a conscious way of living concerning time will yield huge dividends. And our inner voice plays a vita role.

Listening to our inner voice allows for the hero within us to awaken. And our intuition will guide us into unimaginable heights of hope and freedom.

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