Practical coaching methods applied to Business and Law School students

A Student Testimonial from an ESADE Business Law Degree candidate

Marta Rodríguez Calero

This post shares a student testimonial from an ESADE Business Law degree, Marta Rodríguez Calero. She shares her unique story with Bindu Coach. Her purity and eagerness to work her inner self during early college years allowed her to witness the BPC Method. Listen more about Marta´s adventure in this video:

“Hay personas mágicas. Te lo prometo, las he visto. Se encuentran escondidas por todos los rincones del planeta. Disfrazadas de normales. Disimulando su especial forma de ser. Procuran comportarse como los demás. Por eso, a veces, es tan difícil encontrarlas. Pero cuando las descubres ya no hay marcha atrás. No puedes deshacerte de su recuerdo. No se lo digas a nadie, pero dicen que su magia es tan fuerte que si te toca una vez, lo hace para siempre.” Y Bindu es una de ellas.

Marta Rodríguez Calero, 2017
Student Testimonial Esade Business Law Degree
“…su magia es tan fuerte que si te toca una vez, lo hace para siempre…”

About Bindu

Bindu Dadlani, CEO, and founder of Bindu Power Coaching, management consultant, and executive mindfulness power coach specializes in facilitating large-scale organizational change and different diversity training programs for Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, and government agencies. She is honored for excellence in professional coaching. Even the most reluctant people make total transformations. She provides C-Suite executives the frameworks, roadmaps and unique business models towards strategic thinking, operational effectiveness and unique know-how in the knowledge of the Self while helping senior leaders speed their path to the truth of their mission.

BPC Method

She has created an inner impact method that re-programs the mind to connect it to its unlimited potential re-connecting to their intuitive power to achieve the unimaginable. Bindu is a thought leader in the Secrets of the Self. And Marta has enjoyed one of kind guidance through her time as an ESADE Business Law Degree candidate. Especially through the CTTTB Method.

Contact Bindu for your personalized session or further engagement into your unique solution package.

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