Executive Coaching – Harvard Business School Case Study

executive coaching harvard business

Enlightened Leadership with BPC Managers & Executive Coaching Harvard Business School Case Heart-to-heart relationships in Management The need for heart-to-heart relationships in management positions results in Executive Coaching Process Harvard Business School tools. Such is the case of Coaching Makena Lane. I will share in this post how the BPC Method applies solutions to similar problems. And also, …

An MBA student share​s success

Boston University MBA Student

A Boston University MBA Student shares a testimonial for Bindu Power Coach Here is a Boston University MBA Student anonymous testimonial that shares an experience based on just a few sessions. Each one was a breakthrough to enlighten the path. "It was and is turning out to be a tremendous trans-formative experience, and this is validated from …

Limitless | Sin límites


LIMITLESS SIN LÍMITES  [English version below] Limitless: título original de la película. Trabajar con Bindu me recuerda a la película "Sin Límites". Pero sin los efectos secundarios negativos, que tiene la pastilla transparente de la película, claro. Se te amplia la visión, enfocas muy claramente, despejas angustias y malestares, sube la energía y el ánimo, …

5 Trucos para dominar a tu mente

Control de la mente

Control de la mente Usa tu intelecto para contactar con tu verdadera inteligencia El control de la mente es una de las virtudes más importantes a desarrollar. Sin embargo, no nos enseñan esto en el colegio. Sabemos que aprenderlo como adultos no es tarea fácil. Requiere de una gran disciplina y constancia. Pero hay algunas …

Cómo no desviarte del camino

conocimientos y mecanismos

"La importancia de conectar con uno mismo para avanzar". El siguiente testimonio nos cuenta su experiencia de los resultados obtenidos en las sesiones con Bindu. Enfatiza la importancia de conectar con uno mismo para avanzar como clave para no desviarnos del "camino". ¿Qué beneficios te aportan sus sesiones? Conocí a Bindu hace unos años, y …

Three rules for removing negative thoughts

Negative thinking, ties that bind

Negative thinking.  A hole in your mind. Remove negative thinking to live a wholesome life. Thus, letting go of ties that bind is vital. As a coach, I meet innumerable cases of men and women suffering from negative thinking. There are several reasons why this could be happening. Each argument it's based on a different …

Coaching with Conscience

Happiness Coach [VERSIÓN ESPAÑOLA AQUÍ] Innovation | Research | Education Who is Bindu Happiness Coach, what is her mission and her message Happiness Coach Bindu will share today some of her lifelong secrets towards Mindfulness Meditation, Executive Coaching, and Consciousness in the Workplace. Besides, Bindu creates customized solutions in real-time. For example, there is a great …

The beginning of awakening your conscience

Awakening Consciousness

Awakening consciousness to a meaningful life What is the secret to higher consciousness? [VERSIÓN ESPAÑOLA DEBAJO] Awakening consciousness to your life´s purpose What is your true nature? The beginnings of awakening consciousness can happen in various ways. Besides, it is a spiritual awakening process that involves diverse awakening experiences. I often encounter two types of …