Por qué invertir en Bindu Power Coaching

Invertir en Bindu Power Coaching

¿POR QUÉ INVERTIR EN BINDU POWER COACHING? (ENGLISH VERSION BELOW) Muchas personas me preguntan por qué invertir en Bindu Power Coaching. ¿Cómo me puede ayudar a resolver mis problemas? Hoy, la abogada María Pérez Ramos, testifica: "Normalmente solemos invertir nuestro dinero en viajes, inmuebles, obras y reformas en casa, salir a tomar copas, comprar ropa …

5 Secrets to Make Money

rules money management

5 rules to money management How to make money management decisions for a lifetime Learn money management decisions as early as possible, and you will soon experience self-sufficiency, self-confidence, and high maturity levels. If you want to make money follow five simple rules: Rule 1: Put a ceiling on your desires Restrain from impulse buying. …

Walk the way of Truth or be ready to suffer the consequences of your karma

state of mindfulne

Walk the way of truth. Beware of who you trust. People talk about being legal until you talk to them about money. There greed takes the lead. Greed is the worst of evils. Believe that if you've done "the right thing" life will protect you. Camina el sendero de la verdad. Cuidado de quien te …

How can I feel good about money?

Eliminate debt Pay with Gratitude. Eliminate debt. Generate income. Enjoy fulfilling your duty. When you eliminate debt, you feel an internal release.Paga con agradecimiento. Elimina tu deuda. Genera ingresos. Disfruta del deber cumplido. @bindupowercoach Subscribe to Bindu´s Newsletter.