Cut ties with your excess luggage

Taking responsibility

Taking responsibility or creating "excess luggage"? Are we taking responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions? Many of us spend our lives bowed down under heavy burdens that are like weighty backpacks. We rationalize this tendency and call it "taking responsibility." But the world-renowned avatar & universal human value teacher who lived in India, Sathya …

Usa tu mente para crear una vida en positivo


Gestión de la mente para controlar su "juego" Una mente saludable genera un cuerpo saludable. Este post da pinceladas para una efectiva gestión de la mente. Un control de pensamientos negativos nos trae oportunidades jamás pensadas. "Cuando el aire llena una pelota, tomará la forma de una pelota. Cuando llena un globo, tomará la forma …