Webinar AutoCoaching

Webinar AutoCoaching En este Webinar AutoCoaching, aprenderás técnicas milenarias para toda la vida. Si quieres conseguir tus metas y objetivos, reducir tu nivel de estrés, mejorar tu calidad de vida, desarrollar todo tu potencial, mejorar tu situación financiera o tu vida en general, aquí tienes una oportunidad de oro para comenzar.  Convierte cada obstáculo en …

Increase Center Tasking

Increase center

Increase Center Tasking Conscious Coaching Increase center tasking or most commonly heard as "multitasking," is not as advisable as many people emulate. Most people today, young or old, are doing more than one task at a time. Multitasking has become a habit. This repeated practice is on the rise as concentration and contemplation are disappearing …

How to increase your concentration. Advice for MILLENNIALS

future rate

Future Rate of Return measured in Silence Silence your Mind through Self-Empowerment What is the future rate of return when you spend days in silence? Many times a solution, sign, signal, a course of action, guiding intuition is right there in front of us or in our heads. But we don't pay attention. However, we …

Coaching From Within

Conscious Leadership Management

  Conscious Leadership Management "21st Century Enlightened Leadership." United International Business Schools Madrid 22/05/2013 Conscious Leadership Management "Leading from within" is the title of the lecture that Bindu Dadlani gave to MBA students at United International Business Schools in Madrid on 22nd May 2013.  She presented examples of great good versus great leaders. During this 2 hour …

The path

Testimonial Valeria

Testimonial Valeria Catán Testimonial Valeria “When we started working together you get to discover how truly unique and powerful her coaching methods are. It´s incredible. Bindu has changed my life on so many different levels and has helped me find the path I have been longing for so long. It´s truly unbelievable. She has really marked a before and after …

Vivir el ahora con sus alegrías y tristezas

Vivir el ahora

Vivir el ahora E- Coaching con Bindu POWER COACH El presente. Una compleja combinación de alegrías y tristezas. Vivir el ahora con sus alegrías y tristezas. ¿Cómo las afrontamos? ¿Tenemos las herramientas y los recursos necesarios? ¿Cuándo seremos felices? Pensamos que mañana seremos mas felices pero la felicidad es ahora. Este mismo momento. Esperar a encontrarla mañana es un …

Enlightened Leadership for Millennials

Transformational speaker

Conference "Leading from Within" Conscience in Management 21st Century "Enlightened Leadership" with transformational speaker Bindu Dadlani United International Business Schools, Madrid. 22 May 2013 Associate Dean Testimonial  "Bindu Dadlani is a transformational speaker who engages her audience with powerful and insightful examples of leadership. Her mental exercises on personal development provide a practical approach to self-control and regulation so vital to success …

21st Century Enlightened Leadership


COACHING MADRID Leading from within Conscience in Management.  21st Century Enlightened Leadership Coaching Madrid International Business School students for inner resources. Providing them with tools to take back to their countries to succeed as leaders wherever they go. Leading from Within is the title of the conference that Bindu Dadlani gave to MBA students at United International Business …

Qué dice la prensa canaria de la coach internacional Bindu Dadlani

nota de prensa liderazgo

NOTA DE PRENSA - Liderazgo en Canarias Esta nota de prensa refleja el liderazgo de la coach internacional Bindu Dadlani en Canarias. De hecho, más de 280 personas, en su mayoría empresarios, llenaron el salón de actos de la Cámara Oficial de Comercio Industria y Navegación de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Además, el título de …